By Cazcraig,
y Travel Blog
Many times I’m asked how I’ve managed to live the life of travel around the world that I have for so many years. People seem to think I have an endless supply of cash, or must be made of superhuman qualities to be able to manage an adventure life of travel. Today, I thought I would break my silence and share my secrets of over 10 years of travel around the world so you too can do the same.
When I first sat down to put some ideas together I reached a blank. I thought I would come up immediately with a list of secrets I must have had to get me travelling around the world, but no list came. I reflected deeply on all the countries I visited, all the experiences I had, and the people I formed friendships with. I said to myself “Okay Caz, how did you do it? How did you have these incredible travel life adventures to 35 countries and live in 5? What was it about you that gave you the ability to do all that? Just what is your secret to life long travel?”
My response was “I just did it!” ‘I just did it”. There is no other answer. Sure there were many other qualities and character traits that gave me the ability to have the experiences, but none of them really mattered unless I stepped onto that plane. People would comment on how lucky and brave I was and wished they could do the same. But I never could quite understand where they were coming from, because I knew they could do the same. For me it was easy, luck played no part, I just did it. I just followed my dream and never looked back.
I knew what I wanted and I took ACTION!
Did I possess many strong success traits before I did it? Probably not, or none that I was aware of. I was young and immature and didn’t know anything about anything. All I knew was that I wanted to have a life of travel around the world, and so I just did it. I just hopped on that plane and went.
Did I have a lot of money? No I turned up in London with no home, no job and a couple of hundred bucks. That didn’t matter, I knew what I wanted and so I just did it!
Did I have much experience? No! It was the first time I had lived away from the safety and security of my parents. My first experience living on my own was in the city of London, knowing no one, with no money, no home and no job. Experience didn’t matter; I just did it.
I didn’t have support either. I was on my own but I found a lot of support and made great friendships after I just did it!
Did I develop strong character traits along the way that helped me to continue my journeys and grow as a person? Absolutely! I wouldn’t be who I am today had I not lived my life of travel. It shaped me as an amazingly, strong and confident person. Would I be this person now if I never took the action toward my dream in the first place? No! Thank God, I just did it!
You see there are no real secrets for you to learn before you get the courage and confidence to set foot on that plane and have a travel life. The only thing you have to know how to do is put one foot in the other and walk the breezeway onto the plane. The rest is easy and falls into place for you so effortlessly once you make the decision to just do it and live your dream.
What is it that is holding you back? Lack of money or experience?- irrelevant. Lack of friends or support?- irrelevant. Wrong timing? No strengths, skills or talents? All irrelevant. You can find a million reasons why you can’t do it, but that’s not going to get you what you want and shape you to be who you want to be. You’ve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain. All that matters is what you want.
Nike knows how to life a life of travel around the world and said it the best- ‘Just do it!’ Those 3 simple words speak so much about the call to your action. Just take the first step. All the rest will come later. You’re missing out on a wild, fun ride because of your inability to take action. Just do it and success will find you! Stick with us and we’ll inspire you to take the action, and then help empower you with knowledge to make it your best travel adventure life yet!
Just do it…..