By Olivia Balsinger
Assistant Editor & Misty Foster, Green Suitcase Travel
Given the alarming rate at which deforestation is taking place (78 million acres lost every year!), it can be challenging to feel good about visiting a country in an environmental crisis. For conscious travelers, there is a big draw to see such a biologically rich continent, while doing so in a considerate manner.
Assistant Editor & Misty Foster, Green Suitcase Travel
Given the alarming rate at which deforestation is taking place (78 million acres lost every year!), it can be challenging to feel good about visiting a country in an environmental crisis. For conscious travelers, there is a big draw to see such a biologically rich continent, while doing so in a considerate manner.
Agribusiness and timber industries are the biggest aggravators of environmental destruction in South America. According to the Rainforest Action Network,
75% of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil are due to clearing and
burning the rainforest. As 60% of deforested land ends up being soybean
farms or cattle ranching pastures, it is evident that something must be
done. To top it off, a great number of our pharmaceuticals come from
rainforest plants. In turn, we are indirectly eliminating the very
resources that could save us. The Amazon Rainforest isn't the only forest that suffers from these culprits-- in fact The Chilean Forest and The Andes-Choco Forest also experience soil degradation.
Despite these daunting facts, visiting South America can and should be a top tourist destination.
tourism may be the root cause of certain environmental issues, it can
also increase sustainability for the native people. It creates jobs and
prevents workers from turning to illegal activities such as bird
poaching or illegal logging to sustain their families. In turn,
organizations can contribute back to the land and help to preserve the
biodiversity through tourism.
Being selective about your
accommodations and tour operators is a step towards keeping a lower
impact. It is also important to understand the issues of the particular
area and be cognizant where you are putting your money and energy.
more you know, the more informed a decision you can make. Luckily,
South America has several eco-resorts dedicated to integrating the
environment, culture, the locals and visitors.
Imagine Ecuador is a tour operator that leads fantastic journeys to The Guacamayo Ecolodge,
located in the northwestern part of the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in
The Amazon. The lodge is a three hour canoe journey from one of the most
eastern cities in Ecuador--guests will feel immersed and cut off from
the realities of society for the entire duration of their stay (which
will generally be a four or five day package).
[post_ads]Guides from the
area will be a resource for guests from sun-up to sun-down, assisting
with a myriad of activities such as night walks in the jungle, just
steps away from the creepy critters of the floor, and canoe rides to
spot all the surrounding life. Additionally, The Guacamayo Ecolodge
promotes responsible ecotourism by practicing what they preach--even the
toilet system runs on solar energy and with biodegradable products. The
lodge’s sustainable tourism is benefiting directly the local
communities in the area and at the same time protecting the unique flora
and fauna of the reserve.
The lodge prides itself on creating last memories for its guests. "I
will remember my stay at Guacamayo Eco Lodge for the rest of my life
because I discovered the Amazonas Rainforest's magical natural
diversity," said Valentin Vidal, Zookeeper in Buenos Aires and participant in a weeklong venture through Imagine Ecuador. "I
understood more about my surroundings through the lodge staff work and
the experiences I shared with the other guests. The lodge's unique
facilities let me enjoy the time between activities.The lodge was
commendable and I really appreciated how they make sure to be as
natural as possible."
An Amazon sanctuary. The Critsalino Lodge celebrates
the raw beauty of the jungle. How? Each room is powered by
photovoltaic panels and solar energy is used to heat the water. The
resort is committed to building conservation efforts and is responsible
for preserving 28,167 acres of land. It holds top honors from Condé Nast Traveler and Global Vision Awards from
Travel & Leisure for its role in protecting the environment. The
surrounding state park is a refuge for several endangered species and a
huge draw for bird watchers around the world. Finally, the lodge runs
the Amazon school, which allows local volunteers and schools to immerse
themselves in forest ecology.
[post_ads]The world's first Geodesic hotel calls Patagonia, Chile home. Ecocamp
has quite a resume be proud of, with its many ecological initiatives.
The domes boast shared baths, green construction, carbon-free facilities
and waste management programs. They support the community by only
buying products from local farmers and hiring locals to work on their
staff. The camp offers a host of outdoor adventures aimed at enjoying
the natural surroundings. From trekking around the Paine Massif to puma tracking, visitors can get directly involved with Patagonia's wildlife--and without endangering it!
are intricately linked to the Argentinian culture and pride. For the
Criollos, they represent tradition. For the Europeans that have
immigrated here, they blend the past with the present. You will see
Estancia's peppered throughout the plains and all the way through the
mountains. In Argentina, they are an escape from the ordinary for
travelers. This is a way to live the gaucho life.
Huechahue stands
out not only for its beauty, but it is also the only Estancia that is
and has always been sustainably run. Water is the natural power source
used at Huechahue. Electricity runs on a water-driven turbine and is
gravity fed into the irrigation system. Their livestock is free-range,
and produce is pesticide free. The horse trails on which they ride, are
carefully selected to prevent soil erosion and the estate offers a
"catch and release only" fishing program. Finally, a solar powered,
open-air spa is the perfect way to relax at the estate after a day of
has long been on the list of the top eco-lodges in the world--and for
good reason! In 2009 the lodge was listed as one of the top 50 by National Geographic and in 2010 was a finalist for the Indigenous Tourism and Biodiversity Award.
Situated in the Madidi National Park, the lodge allows visitors to get a
first-hand slice of indigenous life. The tribe, Tacana San José de
Uchupiamonas, still inhabit the area and continue to pass on their
traditions to the next generation. Chalalán hires local guides to escort
tourists on hikes, bird watches and other excursions driven by nature.
To get the lodge vistors must take a five and a half hour boat trip up
the Tuichi River. Once there, visitors are encouraged to remember the
sacredness of the land and be mindful of the protected area. The setting
is pristine and magical, inviting guests to let go of time and
experience the jungle.
Marta is the oldest surviving city in South America. It is also where
Simon Bolivar died, an extraordinarily important event for the continent
and South Americans. It's one of those destinations where the vibrancy
of the Carribean meets European elegance and sweeps visitors off their
feet. Santa Marta's Ecohabs are
huts made from natural materials and inspired by the Tayrona tribe, the
original inhabitants of the land. They are built from palm trees,
stones, wood and placed in areas where they are part of the natural
setting, without disturbing it. Guests can also learn about organic
farming during their stay, conveniently in close proximity to Tayrona National Park.
There are four different Ecohab locations to choose from during your
stay. For those looking for something a little more "modern," the resort
offers an Ecolodge closer inland that has more amenities (along with
vegetarian and vegan fare!)
water being a precious commodity worldwide, it's always impressive to
see an accommodation with extensive residual water treatment as part of
their facilities. What is that, you ask? It's an anaerobic and aerobic
biological process that takes water waste and removes the solids then
treats the water before redistribution. A "solid" move for a place
located on the La Pedrera coast of Uruguay. Pueblo Barrancas
aims to bring an "appreciation of nature in its virginal state" and
values the coastal history and topography. Water treatment and use of
natural materials are just one way; they are working to create harmony.
Activities offered include whale watching from the shore (the only truly
sustainable way to watch them), a bird observatory and paragliding.