Traveling is costly and when people happen to be on a budget but would love to experience the magnificent wonders the world has to offer, Google is their best pal.
[post_ads]Nowadays, budget traveling is a buzzword. It is getting to go to locations people want to go to without having to sacrifice their savings.
Fortunately, there are many vacation destinations and nations people can go to that are both budget and tourist friendly. This list contains 10 cheapest countries to travel to this year.
Thailand has long been a favorite of backpackers and budget travelers, and nowadays its neighboring country Laos is getting more attention. Laos is cheaper than Thailand. People can find guesthouses for below $10 per night, and local meals will just cost them $1 or $2.
Estonia bridges the gap between Eastern Europe and Scandinavia giving people a fascinating mix of both worlds. The country is about Denmark’s size but is home to only 1.5 million people. Estonian is the official language of Estonia and some individuals say that the language sounds like Elvish, but many individuals speak English here, allowing visitors no trouble getting around.
Everybody knows that things have not been going so good for the economy of Greece lately. The country has been mired in huge debt and civil unrest; however, this does not mean you cannot visit. Actually, visiting Greece is cheaper than ever at present because tourism is one of the reliable industries the nation has left.

Vietnam has some really stunning scenery. People can find cheap hotel rooms for $10 and if they do not mind staying in dorm rooms they can shell out even less than that on their accommodations. Transportation, drinks and food are all very cheap, allowing people to travel through the country for about the same cost as traveling in Cambodia and Laos.

Accommodations, food and transportation are very cheap in Morocco. According to Lonely Planet, people can travel through the country for the equivalent of $35 a day on a budget.