
Why Choose to Travel to Bhutan?

Why Choose to Travel to Bhutan?

I had to begin someplace. So I thought what better than touring India's neighboring country, Bhutan?

There were several reasons for me choosing to visit Bhutan, which I will reveal in this post.

I Chose to Travel to Bhutan for These Reasons: 


Advantages of a Visit to Bhutan

Advantages of a Visit to Bhutan

  1. Citizens of India, Bangladesh need no visa or entrance fees to travel in Bhutan and are the only citizens that have the license for independent travel. 
  2. Comfortable and convenient to travel in the country. 
  3. Bhutan is not expensive.
I perhaps don't need to mention that the beauty of Bhutan that I saw through the images on the web had already captivated me. That’s what naturally influenced me to travel here in the first place.

Thimpu and Paro

Thimpu and Paro

I had set off for a solo trip to Bhutan, which was for about 2.5 weeks, and I traveled by road to the border town of Phuentsholing.

After obtaining a permit to travel to the cities of Paro and Thimpu (Indians must obtain the extended permit to visit the rest of Bhutan, which can be obtained in Thimpu).

The first stop was in Paro. After taking a public bus at half the distance, I had hitchhiked at night with a Bhutanese couple, returning from their work to their house in Paro.

Tiger's Nest Monastery

Tiger's Nest Monastery

I woke up the next day and was mesmerized by the landscape that I saw. A row of mountains stood tall, some of their peaks covered by the clouds that added to their elegance – a river quietly meandered by my guest house.

The fields in front of the neighboring homes were filled with flowers colored red, pink and yellow. People had quickly begun their routine, hustling on the roads.

After taking a stroll in the cold morning, I set out for the trek to the Tiger's Nest monastery, one of the most revered monasteries and the icon of pride of Bhutan.

The Capital City of Bhutan - Thimpu

The Capital City of Bhutan - Thimpu

I woke up the next day and was hypnotized by the scenery I saw.

A row of mountains was great, some of their cloud-topped summits adding to their elegance - a river meandering serenely through my guesthouse, the fields in front of the neighboring houses were filled with red, yellow.

People had quickly started their routine, pressing on the roads.

After a walk in the cold morning, I left for the trek to the monastery of the Tiger Nest, one of the most revered monasteries and icon of the pride of Bhutan.

Travel to Central Bhutan

Travel to Central Bhutan

After obtaining the additional permit in Thimpu, I started my journey to the central regions of Bhutan.

Due to the lack of time, I had to hire a taxi to get about and it was a different experience. The driver shared interesting stories about the culture, politics, and people of Bhutan.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: Why Choose to Travel to Bhutan?
Why Choose to Travel to Bhutan?
The beauty of Bhutan captivated me and naturally influenced me to travel there in the first place. Here are some of the reasons you should visit Bhutan too.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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