
How to Avoid Getting Kicked Off Your Flight

All the flying etiquette you need to know to make it to your destination on time, including packing rules and what not to do on your flight.

By Katherine LaGrave, Condé Nast Traveler

When it comes to flying etiquette, good behavior is often rewarded—if not with that coveted first-class upgrade, then definitely with friendlier service and an all-around more pleasant experience (both for you, and we're venturing, everyone around you). In this same way, bad behavior has the adverse effect: you can be denied boarding, or even kicked off a flight, for things you may not consider that serious, but the flight crew definitely does.

Here are some rules to follow to make sure your trip goes off without a hitch, every step of the way.

Rules for Packing

Ensuring the first leg of your journey goes smoothly starts at home. After all, we've seen it happen: A disagreement about a packed carry-on item with a TSA officer leads to an escalation at screening, involving a supervisor and temporary detainment—no thanks, we say. No jar of tomato jam is worth that much hassle. Here's a breakdown of the rules you need to know when packing your bag:

Remember 3-1-1: All liquid items in a carry-on must meet the TSA's 3-1-1 rule, meaning they need to be in 3.4-ounce containers (or smaller) and then placed in one clear, quart-sized bag. (Liquids that are frozen solid, however, are another story.)

Leave the sharp objects at home: This sounds obvious, but most sharp objects should be relegated to checked baggage and sheathed or securely wrapped to avoid injuring anyone handling or inspecting the baggage. Some things that usually trip passengers up include scissors (allowed in carry-on bags, but "must be less than 4 inches from the pivot point") and razors (also allowed). The TSA has a helpful page dedicated to the sharp objects you can and can't bring in your carry-on and checked bags.

Read the fine print on food: As we previously reported, whether you can or can't bring food on a plane isn't always clear-cut. Spreadable items—like cream cheese, peanut butter, or Nutella—fall under the 3-1-1 liquids rule; same, typically, for canned or bottled items. Meats, whether cooked, raw, whole, or sliced, are fine to bring onboard your flight, as are pies and cakes, no matter if they're whole or sliced. Still not sure about your food item? Check out our primer on traveling with food.

Check any guns or self-defense items: Most guns are allowed in checked bags (provided they are empty and in a hard-sided, locked container), as is a four-ounce container of mace or pepper spray. For both of these items, check with your airline, as they may have other regulations beyond packing.

Getting Through Security

We know, we know—the last thing most of us feel when faced with a long line at airport security is friendliness toward the person rifling through our things and asking us to stop and hold super still with your arms above your head. But remember: These TSA agents are just doing their job, and enforcing policies set out by the U.S. government. To help make your time in the line go smoothly, remove your liquids and electronics before you reach the bins, so that all you have to do is plunk things down and move along.

Bad behavior at security can not only delay you in getting to your flight, it can also land you on a watch list of passengers to keep an eye on: The TSA began keeping track of fliers who swatted away screeners' hands or "appeared unruly" last year, reports the New York Times. Though the list can't be used to prompt extra screening or deny fliers boarding, it will be referenced to "protect airport security screeners from travelers who previously have been demonstrably unruly at, or near, checkpoints"—which means that even if you're having a bad day in the security line, don't take it out on the agents, as it could only lead to more airport security headaches in the future.

Boarding the Flight

Once you're through security, it doesn't mean you're in the home stretch—airlines still have broad power when it comes to turning you away from a flight. Here are some of the most common reasons this happens:

You're causing a disruption: Disorderly passengers—those threatening or arguing with gate agents, getting into altercations, or just annoying passengers around them by being loud and disruptive—can be denied boarding. It's rare that airline employees will revoke boarding pass privileges without a warning, but don't push it: much like with TSA agents, remember that the employees are just doing their job, and aren't personally responsible for any flight delays, cancellations, or headaches you may be experiencing. (Read a former gate agent's take on the worst air travel passengers—and how not to be one—here.)

You're not dressed appropriately: You may not be in team "dress up to fly," but that doesn't mean you can wear whatever you want, either. In March 2017, for example, United Airlines made headlines—and received backlash—for turning away two teenage girls who were wearing leggings. The girls were traveling on the airline's "buddy pass" category, which has different rules than a regular ticket, but the message is the same: read up on your airline's rules before you get to the airport, and make sure you're dressed appropriately. One pretty standard requirement across the board? Having something on your feet, as you'll need to be able to move quickly in the event of an emergency.

You're drunk or on drugs (or appear this way): If gate agents or flight attendants sense that you're a liability and even at risk of becoming disruptive aboard a flight, they'll deny you boarding until you've sobered up. It's expensive to turn a flight around, after all, and their job is making sure the flight goes as smoothly as possible.

You don't smell so great: Planes are relatively small spaces, and someone's body odor can quickly make things unpleasant for a whole lot of people. Delta goes into more detail on the issue in its contract of carriage, as do United and American.

During the Flight

FAA regulations are pretty broad, stipulating that “ person may assault, threaten, intimidate, or interfere with a crew member in the performance of the crew member’s duties aboard an aircraft being operated.” This gives crew members the benefit of the doubt—and the power to boot you from a flight based on their discretion. In addition to the above reasons (being disruptive, smelling, getting drunk), here are some other things that may land you in hot water:

Not listening to the flight crew: Whether they're asking you to open your window shade, buckle your seatbelt, put your phone on airplane mode, lift up your tray table, or pretty much anything else, just do it.

Trying to join the mile-high club: Just...don't.

Making "jokes" about terrorism or contagious diseases: Flight crew are trained to take any and all mentions of terrorism and contagious diseases seriously, so it's never a good idea to mention them when you're cruising at 30,000 feet—no matter how much you think your seatmate-turned-friend can take a joke.

When The Plane Lands

If you've managed to curb your bad behavior throughout the flight but think some antics will get you off the plane faster, think again—they may, but not in the way you want: Turning it up from 0-100 when you touch down could land you a police escort. And don't even try to open the emergency exit door.
rules for flying, air travel tips

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: How to Avoid Getting Kicked Off Your Flight
How to Avoid Getting Kicked Off Your Flight
All the flying etiquette you need to know to make it to your destination on time.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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