
8 Unique Reasons to Plan a Trip in November

From National Geographic

There are some amazing events on tap all over the world, all the time. Here’s a taste of what you can see and do in November:

Day of the Dead

To celebrate the Day of the Dead through November 2, Mexico City residents honor the deceased with parades and cemetery visits. Some dress as the character in "La Calavera Catrina" (the famous etching of a hat-wearing skeleton by José Guadalupe Posada). Marigolds and sugar skulls adorn altars, and a nocturnal procession of costumed cyclists takes to the street.

Cutest Hula Competition

Youngsters (ages 5 to 17) bring their best moves to Kaanapali, Maui, for Hula O Nā Keiki, a two-day beachside tribute to (and competition in) Hawaii's indigenous dance.

Camel Beauty Pageant

In Rajasthan, India, through November 23, brings up to 30,000 camels and their owners for beauty contests and races in a fairground setting.

Montreal Bach Festival

Churches and concert halls fill with classical music for the Montreal Bach Festival; headliners include Yo-Yo Ma, featured at the closing show.

Boun That Luang Festival

Witness thousands of Buddhist monks converge on the most important religious monument in Laos at the Boun That Luang Festival. Join the throngs at the golden Pha That Luang, or Great Stupa—located in the charming capital city of Vientiane—to offer alms to the monks during the most significant Buddhist festival of the year. Tip: The festivities begin at nearby Wat Simeuang with a candlelit procession.

St. Andrews Day

Don your kilt and head to Edinburgh for free cèilidh dance lessons, traditional storytelling, and a humorous haggis hunt on St. Andrews Day (November 30), a celebration of Scotland’s patron saint that kicks off the winter festival season across the land. In addition to special events held around the city to mark the occasion, many of the Scottish capital’s must-see sites, Edinburgh Castle included, offer free admission. Tip: Don’t miss the Street of Light.

Pirates Week Festival

See eye-patched marauders mock-invade Grand Cayman during the annual Pirates Week Festival. Though its name may evoke images of swashbuckling debauchery, the event has evolved into a national celebration of Cayman Islands culture, history, music, and craft. Tip: Grand Cayman’s five districts each play host to a designated “heritage day.” Get off the tourist track and attend to meet local residents and learn about the island’s rich heritage.

Wine Country Thanksgiving

Show your gratitude for fermented grapes at Oregon’s Wine Country Thanksgiving. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Willamette Valley viniculture and the first days of its star varietal: Pinot noir. Join the party as 150 local wineries open their doors for special vintage tastings, small bites pairings, live music, and deep discounts. Tip: Skip the Black Friday sales and stock up on tasty Oregon wines.

Cherry Festival

Prefer your fruit fresh off the tree? Travel to Ficksburg, the self-proclaimed “cherry capital of the world,” as it tarts up the town for its Cherry Festival. One of South Africa’s oldest agricultural celebrations, the annual Free State fete delivers a wholesome line up of events, including a pit spitting contest, a cherry bowl, and sheep-herding exhibitions. Tip: Take a tour of the region’s famous sandstone mountains and learn more about the Kingdom of Lesotho, which borders Ficksburg.
Dependent on the lunar calendar, the Boun That Luang Festival, one of the largest in Laos, takes place in October or November.

Seee more at: National Geographic

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: 8 Unique Reasons to Plan a Trip in November
8 Unique Reasons to Plan a Trip in November
There are some amazing events on tap all over the world, all the time. Here’s a taste of what to do and where to go this month.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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