
Where To Travel This Summer, Based On How Single You Are

You don't need to wait on anyone to have the adventure of a lifetime. Oftentimes, some women find themselves prolonging travel because they're secretly hoping for a bae-cation.

By Ciara Johnson, Elite Daily

However, traveling as a single woman holds plenty of value. In many ways, traveling and the single life go hand in hand. There's no better time to be spontaneous and enjoy absolute freedom. You can book a trip on a whim without another person's approval. Here are some ideas on where to travel this summer, depending on how single you are.

There are so many great things about being single once you learn to embrace the lifestyle. You have free reign to come and go as you please. There's no need to question the things you choose to do with your life, which can be quite empowering. You'll have the chance to get to know yourself and discover more about the world. You also have the opportunity to date around and figure out which traits you'd like in your partner when you're ready to settle down. Now, it's time to get out there and see the world on your own terms.


Costa Rica: If You're Newly Single


If you're newly single, it may be best to take things slow. You may want to avoid jumping back into the dating pool right away, so why not consider taking some time for yourself to chill and relax?

Costa Rica is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Swim in waterfalls, hike up volcanos, lounge on the soft sand beaches, or adventure through the Costa Rican rainforest. If you really need your heart to heal, consider signing up for a yoga retreat. This will be an amazing opportunity to focus on yourself after putting all of your energy into someone else for such a long time.


New York City: If You're Single And Ready To Mingle


You may be feelin' single and ready to mingle. Consider visiting a lively destination like New York City if you're finally ready to put yourself back out there again. You'll definitely feel empowered to take on new adventures in the city that never sleeps.

[post_ads]New York City is a melting pot, so you're bound to meet some pretty interesting people and have the time of your life. You'll never get bored of the endless amount of trendy rooftop bars, cool museums, delicious restaurants, and colorful markets throughout New York. Be prepared to have the time of your life in The Big Apple.


Cancun, Mexico: If Your Whole Friend Crew Is Single

[post_ads]Hit up Cancun, Mexico for a single girls' trip. It might feel a bit awkward when you're single and all of your friends are in relationships, but it's so exciting when you have your single besties by your side. If your whole friend crew is single, then you'll have an opportunity to create an unforgettable trip together.

Why not stay at an all-inclusive resort? Everything will be taken care of so you can all focus on having fun in the sun. You can arrange a relaxing day at the spa, swim in turquoise waters, and go clubbing at some of the hottest bars after dark.


Paris, France: If You're Ready To Fall In Love Again


It might be a tad cliché, but you should head to Paris when your heart has healed and you're ready to fall in love again. After all, Paris is known as the "City of Love."

This romantic city will make you fall in love with its architecture, food, museums, history, neighborhoods, style, and possibly the person you've been dreaming of. The possibilities are endless in Paris, and you just might discover something that (or someone who) will rock your world. Who knows? You could end up having the ultimate summertime romance.


Sometimes the single life can be a struggle, but you'll enjoy the ride if you learn to embrace it. Why not make the most of being single while you can? Take advantage of your freedom and see the world.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: Where To Travel This Summer, Based On How Single You Are
Where To Travel This Summer, Based On How Single You Are
Summer is creeping up fast, so it's time to start planning that bucket list trip.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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