
Where to Travel Next Based On Your Favorite Destinations

With winter going on for seemingly ever, you've probably been fantasizing about taking a trip.

By Sarah Fielding, Business Insider

There's so much to see out there. If you're having trouble planning your upcoming vacation, use your favorite travel destination to pick where to travel next.

If you loved New Zealand, try Nepal

Were you drawn in by the hiking trails and too-beautiful-to-describe landscapes of New Zealand? If so, then book your ticket to Nepal now. Home to thousands of miles of backpacking trails, Nepal is the challenge that keeps on giving. With wonderful views, you'll forget how long you've been climbing, remaining in awe.

The best part? There are a plethora of lodges and other forms of accommodation along the trails ready for when you need a good night sleep and more food. Head to the city of Kathmandu to stay in a hostel for two dollars per night. Chances are you didn't get that deal in New Zealand.

If you loved Greece, try Albania


Situated just above Greece, Albania is a cheaper version of the Mediterranean archipelago. You can still get amazing views, but there will be a lot fewer tourists in your way. Check out the city of Gjirokastër for charm and beauty.

If you loved Egypt, try Guatemala


Does ancient history fascinate you? Did you stare at the pyramids for ages trying to figure out how on Earth they got built? While Egypt has gotten increasingly dangerous in recent years, a trip to the other side of the world will provide you with similar wonder. Tikal, Guatemala, boasts Mayan pyramids estimated to be created during the first century A.D. While they're a similar feat of engineering, the story behind them is quite different but equally fascinating.

As an added bonus, visitors are allowed to climb on to the pyramids but not enter the temples. At the top of the pyramids you'll be greeted by sweeping views of the rainforest. When you're done taking the pyramids in, visit the rest of the country for equally beautiful sites.


If you loved Prague, try Krakow

It's no secret that Prague has become the darling of Eastern European travel, but that doesn't mean it's the only place you should go. While Poland may not be the first place that pops into your head when planning a trip, Krakow might change your mind.

The city is vibrant and filled with history and folklore. The pierogis are out of this world, the currency exchange is amazing, and the city is incredibly walkable. If you're feeling up to it, take the hour journey outside the city to visit the former concentration camp Auschwitz, a harrowing yet necessary experience.

If you loved Iceland, try Alaska


Even if you live in America, there's a good chance you may live closer to Iceland than you do to Alaska. Iceland has recently exploded in popularity— it feels like everyone has gone or is going to Iceland. If you're one of those people, and loved it as much as you expected, try heading to Alaska next.


While it's still an American state, its landscape is far different than the other 49. For one thing, there are glaciers everywhere. Visit parks like Denali and Kenai Fjords to get a taste of the amazing scenery Alaska has to offer. Hop in a kayak if it's warm enough and paddle through the lakes to better immerse yourself in the scenery.

If you loved Bali, try Thailand

[post_ads]Both Bali and Thailand have grown in popularity in recent years. While Bali presents volcanoes, rice fields, stunning beaches, and religious temples, Thailand, too, has plenty to offer along those lines. There are equally amazing beaches, great food, and an immense amount of culture to explore thanks to the country's many temples and shrines.

If you loved New York City, try Toronto

[post_ads]When you arrive in Toronto you'll immediately feel the lively spirit that characterizes NYC, just toned down a tad thanks to Toronto's neighborhood vibe. The trendy city features street art, museums and delicious food. If you're looking for a bustling city with fewer crowds, this is the place for you.

If you loved Peru, try Japan

[post_ads]While these countries may be quite different on paper, they have ingrained similarities that mean if you liked one, you'll probably like the other. Both are countries deeply dedicated to the culture and history of their people. In Japan you might encounter a traditional wedding taking place. A visit to Peru in February will mean bearing witness to the remarkable carnivals that traditionally take place in the country.

On top of that, the seafood in both countries is out of this world good and, while cooking methods in each country differ, rice is a staple for both Peruvians and Japanese.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: Where to Travel Next Based On Your Favorite Destinations
Where to Travel Next Based On Your Favorite Destinations
And while it can be fun to travel back to somewhere you've been before, the world is big.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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