Nowadays you can’t visit a place without seeing a massive bustling city. These cities are filled with gigantic high-rise buildings, whether they’re hotels or offices, and the number of buildings are ever increasing. There are cities throughout the world, on every continent, in every country and in almost every state, and these cities, due to their limited size, are constructing bigger and bigger buildings to accommodate for the lack of space. We’ve compiled a list of the some of the most beautiful skylines in the world, and you won’t believe your eyes!
Panama City, Panama

This has got to be one of the most amazing skylines, with all the hotels and high rise condos right along the waterfront.
Shenzhen, China

In 1970, this city was just a tiny fishing village, but today it has over 6 million people living there, it’s been said that the skyline is actually expanding faster than its population.
San Fransisco, USA

With the Golden Gate Bridge right there and the skyline just behind it, this is one amazing place.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur may not have the most amazing skyline but it does hold the record for the tallest twin buildings, and just look how green the grass is there.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

There’s not much of a skyline in Rio de Janeiro, but Christ the Redeemer and all the lights of the city in the background is just amazing.
Taipei, Taiwan

This image is just incredible, with the sun run there at sunset, and look how amazing the Taipei 101 building looks in this sunlight.
Tokyo, Japan

It’s easy to tell that Tokyo really does have a lot of people living there, just look at that skyline.
New York City, USA

Can you believe that New York City has 48 buildings that have risen above 200 meters?
Sydney, Australia

Sydney has one of the world’s most famous skylines with the Sydney Opera House being right on the waterfront.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Have you ever seen the skyline of Dubai from above the clouds? It’s amazing.
Courtesy: LOLWOT