
What Is The Weather In Las Vegas?

If you are wondering about Las Vegas weather while thinking about how much better it would be if you were in Las Vegas well then you're probably ready for a vacation. The truth is, it's always the right time to go but some months the average temperatures make the Las Vegas weather a dose of perfection. First off, if you’re looking to spend the least amount of money on a Las Vegas hotel then you should consider the summer months.
( June, July, August, September) With the blistering heat, hotels usually give away rooms. (not really, but chances are you can find a better deal) Compare prices on Las Vegas Hotels during different times of the year and you'll see how the weather affects the price.
When To Visit Las Vegas - By The Numbers
Take a look at what to expect for each particular month with average temperatures. Also, I have suggested a few things to do in Las Vegas to take advantage of the current weather. You should realize that while these averages are helpful in the planning process the ability to predict weather is non existent. It is very possible to get a warm day in winter and a rainy day in summer.


Weather Conditions in the Summer
I love sitting by the pool reading a good book and having a few cocktails and you need good weather for that to be enjoyable. During June, July and August you can sit out as long as you can handle it. Actually, the trick is to alternate between the shallow end of the pool and your lounge chair.

You should not allow the Las Vegas weather to dictate your vacation but take advantage of the situation. Add a couple of cocktails and a club sandwich and you can truly relax. Sometimes, I sneak in a Pastrami on Rye from the Carnegie Deli at the Mirage, but that’s just me. While the summer months bring in higher 

average temperatures they are prime for relaxing by the pool and strolling the strip at night. A great restaurant in Las Vegas is always a good way to spend sometime away from the heat as well. Evenings bring in the dry summer heat at around the mid seventies to low eighties. Warm weather should be your opportunity to get better deals and a good spot by the pool in Las Vegas.
Planning a Trip to Las Vegas?

During the winter, Las Vegas weather tends to bring temperatures that may drop into the thirties at night but manage to hover around the upper fifties to low sixties during the day. If you’re trying to avoid the winter shoveling of snow, Las Vegas rarely gets any of it. Real winter weather is non existent in Las Vegas, it might get cold but it does not get the freezing temperatures that you might experience.

If you think about the time you spend inside when you’re in Las Vegas then you’ll be quick to realize that it doesn’t make a difference when you hit the tables. The real Las Vegas weather are the temperatures you feel when you are considering splitting the pair of eights at the blackjack table. Climate control is a science in this desert town and you will rarely be uncomfortable while inside.

Things to See in Las Vegas

While spring and fall do not really occur in Las Vegas the best times to visit often are during those traditional spring and fall months. If you are looking for the best weather in Las Vegas this time of the year is as good as it gets.
Anyway you look at the situation it’s always better being on vacation and the heat in the summer will not be as bad as you might think and the winter months are not as cold as plenty of spots in the country.
Remember that average temperatures and weather forecasts for Las Vegas don't take in to consideration the fact that if you love to gamble you might not ever see the outside of your hotel room. It might not matter to you that there is an extreme heat wave, high winds or rainfall in the forecast.

Las Vegas Temperatures
Temperatures in Las Vegas
MonthHigh F. (c)Low F. (c)
January57 F. (13.8)34 (1.11)
February63 (17.2)34 (1.11)
March69 F. (20.5)44 (6.6)
April78 (25.5)51 (10.5)
May88 F. (31.1)60 (15.5)
June100 (37.7)69 (20.5)
July106 F. (41.1)76 (24.4)
August103 (39.4)74 (23.3)
September95 F. (35)66 (18.8)
October82 (27.7)54 (12.2)
November67 F. (19.4)42 (5.5)
December58 (14.4)34 (1.11)

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: What Is The Weather In Las Vegas?
What Is The Weather In Las Vegas?
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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