
Dublin Discovered - Cruises on the Liffey

By Bernd Biege
Ireland Travel Expert,

If you are looking for a unique tour of Dublin, the relaxing cruise on the Liffey with Dublin Discovered (formerly known as Liffey River Cruises) may be worth serious consideration (and you'll see why in a longer review of an actual cruise on the Liffey with Dublin Discovered).
But your enjoyment might very much depend on what you actually expect. Because, on the surface this is one of the classic boat tours through a capital city on a major waterway. Just like you take in London on the Thames, through Paris on the Seine, or past Budapest's sights on the Danube. Yet there are some drawbacks to this in Dublin - as the Liffey is not that wide, the quay walls may appear very high at times, and many of the main sights, like Trinity College, are not in sight at all.

But let us start with accentuating the positives, and then continue with analysing the negatives ...

Why a Tour with Dublin Discovered is Worth Your While

Dublin Discovered certainly will show you Dublin from an unusual perspective and at a leisurely pace.
And it is quite enjoyable, even the "Dublin veteran" (like I consider myself to be) will see the city from a new perspective. Plus remember that you will not get stuck in traffic, always a risk with other tours confined to the busy roads of the Irish capital, so planning will be easier if you are on a tight schedule. And, after all, it is a classic boat ride through a capital city straddling the banks of a river.

The "Buts" You Should Know[post_ads_2]

First of all you have to remember that the Liffey is a tidal river, at least all the way through Dublin - thus your views may be slightly disappointing at times.

It is nature working her weird ways. When the water level drops to a real low, the quay walls actually dominate the view (in contrast, it gets slightly claustrophobic under the Liffey bridges at high tide). And always bear in mind that not all important attractions can be seen from the Liffey, others only allow short glimpses.

Having said that - the many windows and (at least partially) glass roof allow for maximum visibility for passengers.

And you'll certainly have unusual views of landmarks like the Custom House, Ha'penny Bridge, Christ Church Cathedral, and the Four Courts.

Liffey Cruises With Dublin Discovered - Recommended?[post_ads_2]

Liffey river cruises? At a first glance a boat tour through Dublin sounds like a grand idea - after all the city was defined by and still straddles the Liffey. So "see the attractions from a boat" should be a fun way to get to know Dublin. Unfortunately reality is slightly different. Or can be, if circumstances conspire against you.

Problem Number One ... being the fact that out of Dublin's main attractions not too many are actually located right on the banks of the Liffey or at least visible from there.

To be blunt, only the Custom House, the Four Courts and Christ Church Cathedral are really to be seen in full. On the other hand you will see a lot of bridges from beneath, including the famous Ha'penny Bridge. This latter view can be very close or more panoramic, depending on the tide.

Which brings us to Problem Number Two: The Liffey is a tidal river and the water level can actually be very low at times. Leading to further restricted views from the very flat, low-riding boat. If you are unlucky, you'll see a lot of the quay walls, the bottom of the Liffey (down there it is a strange world of shopping trolleys, traffic cones and bicycles sticking out from the mud) and have to crane your neck to catch the actual sights. So plan ahead, and mind the tides ... the staff at Dublin Discovered will be able to tell you when the Liffey is "full".

So, should you join Dublin Discovered on the Liffey? If you are a fan of urban boat rides and do not mind a somewhat limited view, let nothing stop you to join the cruise provided by Dublin Discovered. If, on the other hand, you are really only looking for a comprehensive look at all of Dublin's major sights, do take a bus tour. Or a walk through Dublin.

Essential Information:

Dublin Discovered Website:
Phone: 01-4730000

Address: Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1 (next to O'Connell Bridge)
Tours last about 45 minutes.

Tour Pricing: Adult € 14, Students or Seniors € 12, Young Students (13-17) € 10, Children (4-12) € 8 - Family Tickets (2+2) at € 30.

Tour Times: 10.30 am, 11.30 am, 12.30 pm, 2.15 pm, 3.15 pm and 4.15 pm – take note that departure times vary depending on tidal conditions. There is a winter break between November and March! For updated departure times please see the website linked above.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: Dublin Discovered - Cruises on the Liffey
Dublin Discovered - Cruises on the Liffey
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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