Since President Eisenhower gave an okay in 1955 to establish Area 51 as a test site, it became one of the scariest places in the world. It’s commonly know as the “scary secret government facility used to keep paranormal secrets.” To this day, it remains something of a pop culture touchstone that inspired many movies, books and conspiracy theories. Nobody knows for a fact if there is or isn’t something supernatural stored or tested at Area 51, but there are definitely many bizarre things surrounding this site. Here’s out list of 5 things you didn’t know about Area 51.
5. Unknown Reason For Existence
5. Unknown Reason For Existence

Although it was one of the most well-known of secrets in the entire world, the US government still had very little to say about the project. Only in 2013 did the CIA actually acknowledge its existence. The secrecy was still very much present after CIA decided to acknowledge it as they only said the area conducted regular testing procedures and never really specified what for.
4. Mine Fight

A dozen families have been directly affected by the Area 51 experiments and among them was the Sheahan family. They bought land just three miles from what became Area 51 and were even held at gunpoint on their property by the government officials. They decided to sue the base in 1954 which ended in the government offering them $5.2 million for a government expansion, which they refused to accept. In the end, they received nothing for the years of suffering.
3. Paradise Ranch

Edward Lovick, who stayed at the base for thirty years and was one of the senior aircraft designers actually named the Area 51 the “Paradise Ranch” in the hope it would sound nicer than how people usually called it. It adopted the nickname “Groom Lake” before as it quite accurately described the conditions and the environment of Area 51.
2. The Runway

The A-12 spy plane was tested at Area 51 during the 1950s and 1960s, but several issues arose. The weather around the area was not great for construction work and storing planes as their engines got clogged up with dust. Therefore the employees actually vacuumed the runways; which sounds like the biggest joke ever as the runway was in the middle of the desert.
1. BBC Crew Barged In

In 2012, a BBC camera crew attempted to break into Area 51 in order to make a documentary about the site. When they came on the site, they found nobody and nothing there so they went around dancing, as one does when they enter an abandoned government property. However, when they were found by the onsite personnel they were held at gunpoint while the CIA did a background check on them as they thought the BBC crew were spies.
Source: lolwot.com