
15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

By Colin Patrick, Mental Floss

From National Parks to the Louvre, you can check out these 15 different places from the comfort of your own home.


The National Museum of Natural History

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Take a look around the stunning exhibits at this Smithsonian museum in Washington, D.C. You have the option to tour past exhibits like “Against All Odds: Rescue at the Chilean Mine” or “Iceland Revealed,” along with what's currently on display.


The Taj Mahal

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

You can explore the exterior of the famous Indian mausoleum with Air Pano’s virtual tour. It allows you to easily jump to different vantage points of the Taj Mahal and see them from a bird’s eye view.


The Great Wall of China

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Constructing this massive piece of architecture took more than 1800 years. You can visit this historical landmark without leaving your couch by heading here.


The J. Paul Getty Museum

 15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Google Arts & Culture lets you take a peek inside this art museum in Los Angeles. With the zoom feature, you can probably get even closer to the artwork than if you were to visit the Getty in person.


The Louvre

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Looking at fine art has never been so simple. On the Louvre’s website you can choose to explore several different exhibits such as “The Advent of the Artist,” “Remains of the Louvre’s Moat,” and more.


The Vatican's Museums

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Now you can skip the crowds and still tour inside the Vatican. This virtual tour allows you to see the landmark's museums such as the Pio Clementino, Raphael's Rooms, and others.


The Sistine Chapel

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

You can't take a photo of the Sistine Chapel in person—it's not allowed—but you can tour it virtually. Click here, and look skyward to see Michelangelo’s masterpiece.


Route 66

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Route 66 was the United States’s first all-weather highway, running from Illinois to California. Now you can get your kicks on Google Street View of Route 66.


The Colosseum

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Are you not entertained? You will be as you click around this virtual tour of this ancient arena.


Palace of Versailles

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Constructed in 1624, the Palace of Versailles contains countless rooms you could easily spend hours walking through. And now you can spend hours leisurely meandering through the halls—without the crowds—by heading here.


Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

If you’ve ever wanted to journey to two of the world's most active volcanoes, now is your chance. After a short video introduction, you can take a guided virtual tour of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park.



15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

There's still a lot of mystery surrounding Stonehenge, a prehistoric stone monument near Wiltshire, England, whose construction dates back to 3000 CE. When you visit the site virtually, you can get a close-up view of the stones, zoom in on carvings, and watch educational videos about them.


The Musée d’Orsay

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Built in an old railway station, the Musée d’Orsay in Paris is the place to go to look at work by Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Gustav Klimt, and many other artists. Check out their work by heading here.


Yosemite National Park

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

If you’re sitting on your couch, do yourself a favor and take a minute to roam around Yosemite National Park. You can hike to the top of Half Dome, see Nevada Falls, and even star gaze in the park. 


The Pyramids 

15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

Survey the awe-inspiring achievement of the Great Pyramids at Giza from above.

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15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: 15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually
15 Amazing Places You Can Tour Virtually
If you can’t check out these places in person, you can at least visit them virtually—no flights or road trips required.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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