
The World's Top Destinations for UFO Sightings

By Patrick Clarke, TravelPulse

Extraterrestrial Tourism

A street lamp in Roswell, New Mexico.
There have been countless UFO sightings reported all over the world for thousands of years and while many have been deemed hoaxes or discredited some have managed to become the stuff of legend. Travelers to these 15 destinations might just be able to find out for themselves whether we're really alone in the universe.

Nile Delta, Egypt

Nile River in Egypt.
Perhaps the earliest UFO sighting was reported in Ancient Egypt by the scribes of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who described fiery discs floating in the air. However, even if visitors don't spot flaming saucers of their own they should at least return with a nice tan.

Dortmund, Germany

Aerial view of Dortmund, Germany.
Historical records from the year 776 report that Saxons ambushing Sigiburg Castle in Western Germany were met and ultimately turned away by a UFO resembling a pair of large flaming red shields.

Hull, England

Humber Bridge at sunrise in Hull, England.
[post_ads]A fiery object was spotted above the Humber Estuary in 1801 and covered Hull, England with a mysterious blue light, according to a report in the Hull Packet. The object later split into several fireballs and disappeared.

Basel, Switzerland

City of Basel in Switzerland.
Basel experienced its own celestial phenomenon in the mid 16th century when numerous spherical objects appeared out of the sun, according to a broadsheet published in 1566.

Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany.
Nuremberg was the site of a mass UFO sighting in 1561. Witnesses described an aerial battle that lasted for as long as an hour before the objects eventually fell to the earth, according to a broadsheet news article.


Ischia, Italy

Aerial view of Ischia, Italy.
A mysterious golden globe of fire was said to have fallen from the sky near Ischia, Italy way back in 91 BC, according to Roman writer Julius Obsequens.

Flatwoods, West Virginia

Rural West Virginia farm countryside.
Located an hour northeast of Charleston, the small town of Flatwoods became the Home of the Green Monster following a 1952 incident in which several locals reported seeing a UFO landing and a 10-foot-tall alien gliding toward them.


Roswell, New Mexico

Welcome sign in Roswell, New Mexico.
Roswell has become synonymous with UFOs and aliens and has embraced its reputation ever since the famous 1947 incident involving the crash landing of a strange object. While the U.S. Army Air Forces have maintained the object was a high-altitude balloon, ufologists have been calling it a cover-up for decades, claiming that an alien spacecraft crashed and was recovered by the military.

Norway and Sweden

The rocky islands of northern Norway.
The Norwegian spiral anomaly of 2009 appeared at night in the skies above northern Norway and Sweden for several minutes when witnesses saw a blue beam of light with a grey-colored spiral on one end. It was later determined to be the result of failed Russian missile flights.

Pretoria, South Africa

Skyline of Pretoria, South Africa.
Sergeant Becker reported seeing a glowing disc with bright green tentacles near a police station in Erasmuskloof, Pretoria in the mid-1990s. Authorities pursued the object in a helicopter but the chase was abandoned when the object made a vertical ascent.


Turkey Springs, Arizona

Apache Lake in Arizona's Tonto National Forest.
Arizona's Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest is where American logger Travis Walton claims he was abducted by aliens flying a saucer-like object in November 1975. Walton reappeared after a five-day search and wrote a book about his experience that was later turned into the film, "Fire in the Sky."

Long Island, New York

Montauk Point Light, Lighthouse, Long Island, New York.
[post_ads]There have been hundreds of UFO sightings reported in the skies over Long Island, New York, including Sands Point as recently as 2018, with many people claiming to have seen bright and mysterious objects in the sky.

Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge, Colorado.
Breckenridge was the site of multiple UFO sighting reports in 2014. Witnesses described strange objects that would float in the sky for several minutes before taking off across the mountain ridge. Take advantage of the summer weather and tour this scenic destination to see what you can find floating in the sky.

Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas skyline.
There was a mass UFO sighting in Houston as recently as 2014 when some people filmed a strange object displaying a ring of lights in the sky during a thunderstorm. The booming city may not produce a mysterious flying object during your visit but is guaranteed to pleasantly surprise you in other ways.


Hangzhou, China

Hangzhou, China.
China's Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport was temporarily closed in 2010 after a UFO was spotted in the night's sky by a flight crew. While claims that the object was an alien spacecraft have been debunked, a UFO forced another major Chinese airport to shut down in 2015.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: The World's Top Destinations for UFO Sightings
The World's Top Destinations for UFO Sightings
Let your extraterrestrial journey begin.
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