
This Is the No. 1 Ranked Ride at Disney World

These are the seven best rides at Walt Disney World that you don’t want to miss on your next trip to the most magical place on Earth.

By Kelsey Goeres, The Cheat Sheet
With over 50 rides, it’s nearly impossible to hit absolutely everything in a single trip. So what do you do? You prioritize.



Epcot’s Soarin’ is a virtual hang-gliding tour of the world’s greatest wonders. Business Insider ranks it as one of the top Walt Disney World rides because it’s “as Disney as it gets: Perfect for all ages, thrilling without fear, and equal parts informative and magical.” There’s nothing like feeling the wind in your face, taking in the sights (and smells) from different parts of the world, and dangling your feet off your hang glider that feels like it’s 100 miles up in the sky.


Space Mountain


Space Mountain is another ride that consistently makes the top of “Best of Disney” lists. Travel + Leisure ranks it among the top rides because they feel it’s about as classic as Disney rides get. “Board a rocket to zip past the stars on Magic Kingdom’s most iconic ride, which hurdles guests into pitch-black darkness for a riveting herky-jerky ride that’s stood the test of time.”


Avatar Flight of Passage


Trip Savvy ranks Avatar Flight of Passage in their top 10. Avatar Flight of Passage is a newer ride (debuted in 2017), but it’s already very popular among park visitors and devout Disney fans. Located in the Animal Kingdom, this ride attaches you to an avatar to experience “the thrill of riding a banshee high above the moon of Pandora.” If you haven’t ridden Avatar Flight of Passage yet, it’s definitely one you’ll want to check out.  


The Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion is another Disney classic that consistently tops “The Best Disney Rides” list. “Embark on a spine-tingling tour through an eerie haunted estate, home to ghosts, ghouls and supernatural surprises,” beckons the Disney World website.

Not only is this spooky, silly, intricate ride a blast for almost all ages (very young children might feel scared), it’s also one of the most magical rides come Christmas time. During the fall and winter months, The Haunted Mansion turns into The Nightmare Before Christmas. The decorations are whimsical, jolly, and, of course, scary.



Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

The Tower of Terror is another Walt Disney World classic, featuring thrilling drops, spooky and elaborate decor, and a well-rounded story. It consistently tops best-of lists because of the ride’s surprising drops and haunting atmosphere.

[post_ads]Business Insider says you don’t even need to know The Twilight Zone to enjoy the ride: “The iconic Hollywood Tower Hotel haunts visitors from its cobwebbed lobby to the very last plunge past the ‘fifth dimension,’ utilizing an ever-changing drop sequence for endless thrills, whether or not you’re familiar with its namesake program.”


Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean is often ranked as the top ride at Walt Disney World (but there is another one that scores the No. 1 slot more often). This dark water ride has everything a Disney fanatic could ever hope for: Intricate decor that transports you to another world, hyper-realistic pirates (have you seen the animatronic Johnny Depp at the end of the ride?), and that sweet, sweet water ride smell. Trip Savvy says it’s at the top of their list because of the ride’s storytelling: “A landmark achievement in theme park storytelling, it is a pitch-perfect attraction.”


Expedition Everest

[post_ads]The No. 1 ranked Walt Disney World ride is none other than Expedition Everest. The theme park’s website describes the ride as an adventure “through the Himalayan mountains on a speeding train while avoiding the clutches of the mythic Abominable Snowman.”

Travel + Leisure claims it’s the best of the best because it has everything a classic Disney ride needs. “Animal Kingdom’s prized coaster housed inside a Himalayan ascent has it all — unexpected surprises, constant thrills, and the type of compelling story that would have made Walt proud. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that needs to be seen to be believed, remaining a perfect ride in spite of its broken live-sized Yeti.”

See more at: The Cheat Sheet

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: This Is the No. 1 Ranked Ride at Disney World
This Is the No. 1 Ranked Ride at Disney World
There’s a lot of ground to cover at Walt Disney World.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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