By Vivian Nunez, POPSUGAR
The guidebook for celebrating New Year's Eve with your family has already been written, and it includes every single superstition and tradition that Latinos hold to be true. While the old wives' tales can span from eating 12 grapes for luck to wearing the perfect color of underwear for love to starting the year on your literal right foot, if what you want is to be on planes, trains, and automobiles next year, there are only a few things you must have in your list. Have a little faith and follow our plan ahead.
1. Run around the block with a packed suitcase.
[post_ads]If you've ever spent New Year's Eve in a Latin American country, you know you can see more than a few people carrying a suitcase around the block when midnight comes. It's worth it since people swear it will ensure lots of travel in the new year!
2. Pack your suitcase right.
You can just throw stuff in the suitcase; you have to pack with a destination in mind. If you're looking to spend most of 2017 on the beach, then don't pack sweaters is all we're saying.
3. Run seven times around the house, fast.
If you don't want to walk around the block — you know, trying to avoid your neighbors thinking you have lost it — running around your room (or home) seven times is said to bring luck with travel, too.
4. Write it down.
Making a New Year's wish list and including your travel plans for the year is as great as sending a letter to Santa on Christmas — it helps you commit and visualize your wishes coming true. Put travel at the top of your list and you'll be good to go.
5. Grab a chair, an umbrella, and a suitcase.
New Year's Eve is the one time that having an open suitcase inside the house is actually considered good luck. The old superstition goes that if you stand on a chair with an umbrella open and one hand on a suitcase, you'll increase your chances of traveling over the next year. It might look weird, but it's worth a try!
6. Go in and out of the door, then repeat.
Grab your suitcase and walk in and out the front door of your home — this symbolizes the number of times you want to travel throughout the year, so give yourself at least a few minutes.