By Kathryn McLamb, Pop Sugar
Whether it's the allure of discovering new places, learning new languages, or chowing down on new cuisines, whatever your favorite part is about immersing yourself in a new culture, there's one thing for certain: traveling is good for the soul.
[post_ads]But don't think just because your adventure ends, the good times can't keep rolling. One of the best parts about traveling is finding ways to capture those unforgettable memories so you can forever reminisce about them. So instead of feeling the pressure to post every single amazing experience on Instagram right when it happens, put your phone away knowing we've got you covered with seven fun, easy ways to track your travels. Ready to get started?
Create a travel gallery wall

Everyone loves a good gallery wall, so why not use this blank canvas to display travel photos and paraphernalia? Find budget-friendly frame options at Ikea, on Amazon, and of course by scavenger hunting your way around local flea markets and thrift stores.
Pin places you've traveled on a world map

Pinning places on a world map is not only a fun DIY way to capture your travels, but it also will make you recognize just how big this world is, and how many more trips you need to make!
DIY Tip: Some world maps can be quite expensive. Instead of paying the hefty price tag, save your money for future adventures and get creative! For instance, I found this world map wrapping paper for only $5. Add that cost with an affordable frame from Ikea and colored push-pins from Amazon, and this DIY will only cost around $30.
Use maps or travel prints as artwork for your decor

As someone with endless wanderlust, I love incorporating maps and travel prints as part of my home decor. Not only can you find incredibly detailed maps at extremely reasonable prices — Modern Map Art is a great option — but having these prints displayed will immediately flood your mind with all the good times made in each destination.
Print travel photos on fridge magnets

I don't know about you, but for me, the fridge can be quite my happy place. And seeing some of my latest adventures highlighted there makes me smile even more when I walk into the kitchen. I know, I know — the small pleasures in life!
Two great options for these fun little squares are Shutterfly and Pinhole Press. If you're feeling crafty, you could easily turn these magnets into a fun DIY and make them yourself!
Display miniature Polaroids snapped during your trip

Take a walk down nostalgia lane by displaying miniature Polaroids around your home. Not only do these teeny-tiny snapshots scream cuteness, but having them right at your fingertips will be the perfect go to when you're looking to relive travel memories.
Stitch your trip route on a map

After returning from our cross-country adventure, I stitched the route we drove and gave it to my travel partner as a "thank-you-for-putting-up-with-me-for-30-straight-days" present. This DIY was cheap, easy to make, and ended up being one of his favorite gifts of all time! Five years later, and we still have it displayed in our apartment.
DIY Tip: Before stitching your particular route, I would recommend first stenciling it with a pencil. This way, you'll have a better guide to work off. Be sure to also choose a bright color of thread to ensure your stitching will pop against the shade of your backdrop. Believe it or not, I found this map of the US in a cheap atlas at Target, and it was the perfect size and thickness for stitching. In total, this DIY cost only $15, a few hours of time, and allowed me to flex new creative muscles!
Order a photo album of your trip

Lastly, one of the best ways to bring your memories to life is by creating a photo album of your trip. By tying your adventures together in one book, your travel stories will forever live on, and can be passed down through future generations.
One company I am personally very fond of for photo books and albums is Artifact Uprising. With a variety of sizes and styles to cater any preference, you can showcase your captured memories on up to 200 pages. Not only will this book speak volumes, but it will also ooze with travel inspiration!
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