
7 Beauty Essentials To Pack In Your Travel Makeup Bag

Consider these your suitcase essentials.
Matt Rainey
By Ali Finney, Women's Health

This piece is part of Women's Health Magazine's 2017 Beauty Awards, where we hand-picked the best beauty products of the year for every moment of your life, from work to the gym to picking up toothpaste at Target. Read on for our favorite carry-on travel picks:

[post_ads]The great summer vacay is on the way, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! We’ve got our itineraries set, our tickets purchased, and all that’s left to do is pack before we jet set to our foreign locale. But let’s be real, getting ready for a trip is no small feat. If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably worn the same outfit seven days in a row, but now that you’re packing for vacation you need all 39 options from your closet. It’s reasonable. We get it, and we’re not here to judge.

Instead, we’d like to suggest a seriously well-curated beauty haul that can make the getting ready process easier (and prettier)—no matter your destination. Because while vacation can be a time to embrace and execute low-key makeup moments (we’re looking at you, beach locale), it can also be the right time to test out that new cat eye that you’ve been wanting to achieve for months now. Vacation is absolutely about celebrating the whimsy, joy, and heck, carefree vibes that come when you’re not attached to your smartphone or laptop.

Here, you’ll find the basic travel elements to help you deal with new climates (hello, heavy-duty humidity guard!). You’ll be able to game on your new glow with a seriously elevated self tanner that has a coconut oil base. You’ll find the best of the best hand sanitizers to keep germs (and worries of getting sick!) at bay. And you’ll have a whole lot of fun doing it, because half the fun of travel is the getting there—with cool products in tow, of course.

Matt Rainey


Especially when visiting tropical locales, you’ve got to up your sunscreen game. This one is a triple threat: broad-spectrum mineral filters and antioxidants to guard against UV and free radicals, hyaluronic acid to hydrate, and tinted pigments to even things out.

Buy it: EltaMD UV Elements Broad-Spectrum SPF 44 ($33,

Related: 4 Things You'd Never Guess Could Cause Skin Cancer—But Totally Can
Matt Rainey


Odds are, wherever you're going, humidity is waiting. To protect yourself from winding up looking like vacation-Monica, try this lightweight, waterless fuzz buster, which deposits strand-smoothing argan oil minus any residue. It goes on in a fine mist so that strands are guarded from any extra moisture in the air and stay looking sleek.

Buy it: Garnier Fructis Style Frizz Guard Anti-Frizz Dry Spray ($4,

Matt Rainey


Nowadays the vacation glow starts before wheels up. Our favorite way to get it: This new coconut oil base melts into skin to keep streaks at bay, which comes in handy for looking gleamy in your ’kini.

Buy it: James Read Gradual Tan Coconut Melting Tanning Balm ($35,
Related: This Woman’s Viral Photo Shows What Happens When You Put Too Much Coconut Oil In Your Bath

Matt Rainey


Digging at the bottom of your purse for your beauty products is no fun at all. Roughly the size of a Kindle, with one outer compartment and five inner ones, it fits all the things but isn’t bulky. Oh, and the badass, Warhol-esque lipstick print is just fun.

Buy it: Sonia Kashuk The Overnighter in Lipstick ($16,

Matt Rainey


International flights are no match for the hydrating powers of this mist with rose of Jericho, aloe, and spinach (its vitamin C may hinder environmental aggressors). Spritz it on hourly to revive skin while in flight to keep parched skin feeling dewy and looking glowy.

Buy it: First Aid Beauty Hello Fab Vital Greens Face Mist ($18,

Related: 10 Secrets Flight Attendants Won't Tell You
Matt Rainey


Sunscreen connoisseurs take note: This silky formula feels like it hit the sweet spot in a Venn diagram. It delivers major protection and zero greasiness, perfect for days spent hanging out at the beach or playing by the pool.

Buy it: Banana Boat Dry Balance Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50+ ($8,

Matt Rainey


When you think about it there are tons of germ hubs along the way while you’re traveling. Luckily, a spritz of this hand sanitizer keeps you clean and germs at bay. Organic alcohol gets an assist from antibacterial lemon and lavender essential oils to nix germs naturally.

Buy it: Organic to Green Clean Hand Sanitizer ($12,

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: 7 Beauty Essentials To Pack In Your Travel Makeup Bag
7 Beauty Essentials To Pack In Your Travel Makeup Bag
Travel is exhilarating; packing is exhausting. Let our curated haul make the process easier), no matter your destination.
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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