is often viewed warily by travelers who read about the country's high
crime and murder rates and wonder if it's a safe place to go. Of course,
millions of tourists visit Jamaica each year without incident, but many
also hole up at all-inclusive resorts for the duration of their trip due to safety concerns.
truth is that travelers can have a great experience getting out and
seeing the "real" Jamaica, but need to be mindful about the legitimate
threat of crime where it exists.
has one of the world's highest per-capita murder rates, and a 2010
state of emergency threw the harsh glare of publicity on the violent
gang and drug culture in the capital, Kingston.
Violent crime can be a real problem in Kingston and other parts of the
country, but typically such crimes involve attacks by Jamaicans on other
Jamaicans and revolve around drugs, gangs, politics, poverty, or
Most crimes targeting visitors in tourist areas like Montego Bay, Negril and Ocho Rios are property-oriented -- pickpocketing and petty theft, for example.
Armed robberies do occasionally involve tourists,
and can turn violent if victims resist. Special tourist police have been
employed in these areas in an attempt to control crime.
skimming is an ongoing problem in Jamaica. Some scammers will make a
copy of your credit-card information when you give your card to a
restaurant server or shopkeeper. ATMs also may be rigged to steal your
card information, or individuals may observe you at the ATM and try to
steal your password. Avoid using credit cards or ATMs whenever possible;
carry just enough cash for what you need that day. If you do need to
use a credit card, keep an eye on the person handling your card. If you
need to get cash, use the ATM at your hotel.
[post_ads]Sexual assaults by
hotel employees in resort areas on Jamaica's north coast have occurred
with some frequency, as well. Male prostitutes offering their services
to white women ("rent-a-dreads") is a problem relatively unique to
Jamaica, and the demand by some female tourists for such services can
spill over in negative ways on other visiting women, who may be viewed
as "easy" by some local men.
For emergency police response, dial
119. Police in Jamaica are generally short on manpower and training. You
will see an increased police presence in areas of Montego Bay and Ocho
Rios frequented by tourists, but if you are a victim of crime you may
find the response of the local police to be lacking -- or nonexistent.
Locals generally have little trust in the police, and while visitors are
unlikely to be mistreated by police, the Jamaican Constabulary Force is
widely viewed as corrupt and ineffectual.
Tourists are advised to
avoid traveling in notoriously high-threat areas of Kingston including,
but not limited to, Mountain View, Trench Town, Tivoli Gardens,
Cassava Piece and Arnett Gardens. In Montego Bay, avoid the areas of
Flankers, Canterbury, Norwood, Rose Heights, Clavers Street and Hart
Street. Several of the latter neighborhoods are adjacent to Montego
Bay's Sangster International Airport.
Gay and Lesbian Travelers
is unfortunately widespread in Jamaica, and gay and lesbian visitors
may be subjected to harassment at a minimum and violence at worst. Gay
sex is illegal and can result in prison terms. Until this aspect of
Jamaican culture changes, gay and lesbian travelers should seriously
consider the risks before planning a trip to Jamaica.
Harassment of Tourists
of tourists, while not necessarily a crime per se, is a problem
acknowledged at even the highest levels of Jamaican government. This can
range from harmless pitches on the street, beach, or shopping area to
buy souvenirs, marijuana, or services like hair-braiding, to bogus
offers of tourist-guide services, to racial slurs aimed at white
visitors and sexual harassment of women.
Despite a concerted,
decades-long effort to address the problem, one in three visitors to
Jamaica still reports being on the receiving end of some time of
harassment (that is down from the 60 percent who reported being harassed
in the mid-1990s).
Most Jamaicans are friendly and helpful to
visitors, however, and guests to the country can improve the atmosphere
by not seeking out paid sex or drugs during their visit. To the extent
possible, be respectful but firm when confronted by someone offering
something you don't want -- it's a combination that can go a long way
toward avoiding further problems.
Road Safety
The north coastal road linking popular tourist destinations such as Montego Bay, Ocho Rios,
and Negril is much improved in recent years. However, most roads are
poorly maintained and have poor signage. Smaller roads may not be paved,
and often are narrow, winding, and crowded with pedestrians, bicycles,
and livestock.
Driving is on the left, and Jamaica's roundabouts
(traffic circles) can be confusing for drivers used to driving on the
right. Seat-belt use is required and recommended especially for taxi
passengers, given the hazardous driving conditions.
If you rent a
car, avoid parking on the street if possible: look for a spot inside a
residential compound, in a parking lot with an attendant, or within your
view. When shopping, park as close as possible to the store entrance
and away from dumpsters, bushes, or large vehicles. Lock all doors,
close the windows, and hide valuables in the trunk.
Use of public
transportation is not recommended, since public buses are often
overcrowded and can become venues for crime. Take a cab from your hotel
or use transportation from vendors that are part of JUTA -- the Jamaica
Union of Travelers Association.
Other Hazards
Hurricanes and tropical storms can hit Jamaica, sometimes causing significant damage. Earthquakes are a rarer hazard, but also occur.
and Montego Bay have the only comprehensive medical facilities in
Jamaica. The recommended hospital for U.S. citizens in Kingston is the
University of the West Indies (UWI) at (876) 927-1620. In Montego Bay,
the Cornwall Regional Hospital (876) 952-9100 or the Montego Bay Hope
Medical Center (876) 953-3649 are recommended.
For more details, see the Jamaica Crime and Safety Report published annually by the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
Source: about.com