By Lauren Himiak
National & State Parks Expert, about.com
Not only does a piece of land stretching over 70,000 acres preserve
beautiful landscape and wildlife, it also honors a president who is
credited with doing more for the National Park System than any other. Theodore Roosevelt
first visited North Dakota in 1883 and fell in love with the natural
beauty of the rugged badlands. Roosevelt would continue to visit the
area and later go on to establish 5 national parks and assist in the
foundation of the U.S. Forest Service. Roosevelt's experiences in the
area not only directed him to serve as president, but to become one of
the world's leading land conservationists.
1883, Theodore Roosevelt traveled to North Dakota and fell in love with
the area. After speaking with local ranchers, he decided to invest in a
local cattle operation known as the Maltese Cross. He would return to
the ranch in 1884 to seek solitude after the death of his wife and
mother. In time, Roosevelt returned east and back into politics, but was
very public about how the badlands affected him and just how important preservation should be in America.
The area was designated the Roosevelt Recreation Demonstration Area
in 1935 and became the Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge in
1946. It was established as the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial
Park on April 25, 1947 and finally became a national park on November
10, 1978. It is comprised of 70,447 acres, of which 29,920 acres are
preserved as Theodore Roosevelt Wilderness.
The park is comprised
of three geographically separated areas of badlands in western North
Dakota and visitors may tour three sections: the North Unit, the South
Unit, and the Elkhorn Ranch.
When to Visit
park is open year-round but note that some roads may close in the
winter months. Services are limited from October to May so the best time
to plan a visit in during summer. If you want to avoid the crowds,
visit during late spring or early autumn when the wildflowers are in
Getting There
The park is comprised of three areas. Directions for each are as follows:
South Unit:
This unit is located in Medora, ND so take I-94 exits 24 and 27. Medora
is 133 miles west of Bismarck, ND and 27 miles east of the Montana
state line. Note, the Painted Canyon Visitor Center is 7 miles east of
Medora on I-94 at Exit 32.
North Unit: This entrance is
along U.S. Highway 85, located 16 miles south of Watford City, ND and 50
miles north of Belfield, ND. Take I-94 to U.S. Highway 85 at exit 42 in
Belfield, ND.
Elkhorn Ranch Unit: Located 35 miles north
of Medora, this unit is accessible via gravel roads. Travelers must
wade through the Little Missouri River so ask a ranger at one of the
visitor centers for information on best routes.
traveling into the park via automobile or motorcycle will be charged
$10 for a 7-day pass. Those entering the park by foot, bicycle or horse
will be charged $5 for a 7-day pass. Reoccurring visitors may want to
purchase the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Annual Pass for $20 (valid
for one year). Those holding an America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass will not be charged any entrance fee.
are allowed inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park but must be
restrained at all times. Pets are not permitted in park buildings, on
trails, or in the backcountry.
Horseback riders are allowed but
are prohibited in the Cottonwood and Juniper campgrounds, picnic areas,
and on self-guided nature trails. If you bring forge for the horse, it
must be certified weed-free.
Major Attractions
the visitor centers, the park has some great places and trails to visit
and explore. Depending on how long your stay is, you may want to stop
at a few or all!
Scenic drives: If you only have
one day, be sure to take either the Scenic Loop Drive in the South Unit
or the Scenic Drive in the North unit. Both offer incredible views and
spots to stop for nature walks and longer hikes.
Maltese Cross Cabin:
Visit the rustic headquarters of Roosevelt's first ranch. The ranch is
full of period furnishings, ranching equipment, and even a few of
Roosevelt's personal belongings.
Peaceful Valley Ranch:
Historic buildings were used in many ways from a park headquarters to
working cattle. Today, visitors can take a horse ride from May to
Ridgeline Nature Trail: Though it's
only a 0.6-mile long trail, it does require some strenuous climbing.
This is a great spot to view how wind, fire, water, and vegetation have
combined to create a unique environment.
Coal Vein Trail: Enjoy this 1-mile hike to view a lignite bed that burned from 1951-1977.
Jones Creek Trail:
The trail follows an eroded creek bed for 3.5 miles offering visitors
an excellent opportunity to see wildlife. But be aware there are prairie
rattlesnakes in the area.
Little Mo Nature Trail: An easy trail equipped with a pamphlet lets visitors identify native plants that Plains Indians used for medicine.
Wind Canyon Trail:
A short trail that overlooks a beautiful vista and reminds visitors
just how important of a role wind played in shaping the landscape. Wind
Canyon also offers opportunities for longer hikes.
campgrounds are located within the park, both with a 15-day limit.
Cottonwood and Juniper campgrounds are open year-round on a first-come,
first-served basis. Campers will be charged $10 per night for a tent or
RV site. Backcountry camping is also permitted but visitors must obtain a
permit from one of the visitor centers.
Other hotels, motels, and
inns are located in nearby Medora and Dickinson, ND. The Medora Motel
offers bunkhouses, cabins, and houses ranging in price from $69-$109. It
is open from June to Labor Day and may be reached at 701-623-4444. The
AmericInn Medora (Get Rates) also offers affordable rooms ranging in
cost from $100-168. A Days Inn and a Comfort Inn are located in
Dickinson with rooms from $83 and up. (Get Rates)
Areas of Interest Outside the Park
Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge:
Located about 50 miles from Theodore Roosevelt National Park, visitors
can find protected waterfowl and more recreational activities than most
refuges. Activities include fishing, boating, nature trails, scenic
drives, and archeological exhibits. The refuge is open year-round and
may be reached at 701-548-8110.
Maah Daah Hey Trail:
This 93-mile rugged, nationally-acclaimed trail is open for
non-motorized recreational use, such as backpacking, horseback riding,
and mountain biking. Managed by the U.S. Forest Service, this is a great
day trip for anyone in the area. Maps are available online.
Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge:
In one stretch of prairie, visitors can find ducks, hawks, grouse,
sparrows, and other marsh birds. It is a popular destination for
bird-watchers from all across the country. Other activities include
hiking, hunting, and scenic drives. The refuge is open from May through
September and may be reached at 701-848-2722.
Contact Info
Superintendent, PO Box 7, Medora, ND 58645
701-842-2333 (North Unit); 701-623-4730 ext. 3417 (South Unit)
701-842-2333 (North Unit); 701-623-4730 ext. 3417 (South Unit)