
The World's Coldest Cities

By Jess Macdonald

For most of us, cold means having to turn up the heat or bundling up in extra layers. There are a few places on Earth, however, that take our understanding of cold to a whole new level. According to Guinness World Records, the coldest permanently lived-in human settlement is the remote village of Oymyakon in Russian Siberia, where temperatures dropped to a bone-chilling -90ºF/ -68ºC in 1933. This article takes a look at some of the world’s coldest cities, ranked from warmest to coldest, based on average January temperatures.

Astana, Kazakhstan

Average January temperature: 6.4 °F/ -14.2°C
Although the summer months are warm, winters in Astana are long, dry, and exceptionally cold. Extreme lows of -61°F/ -51.5°C have been recorded, although the monthly average for January is 6.4 °F/ -14.2°C. Most years, the city’s river remains frozen over from mid-November to early April. With plenty of indoor attractions in which to escape from the weather, winter visitors do not need to fear the cold.
Astana is a modern city defined by futuristic architecture, glittering mosques and a wealth of shopping and entertainment centers.

International Falls, Minnesota, United States

Average January temperature: 4.4°F/-15°C
This northern Minnesotan city calls itself The Icebox of the Nation, and with record lows of -55 °F/ -48 °C and an average seasonal snowfall of 71.6 inches, that claim is well-justified. International Falls has the most days per year with high temperatures below freezing of any incorporated city in the contiguous U.S.—not to mention some spectacular night skies.

It is best known for its Canadian border crossing, and as the gateway to nearby Voyageurs National Park. The park is popular for kayaking and hiking in summer, and for cross-country skiing and ice-fishing in winter.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Average January temperature:  -11.2ºF/-24.6ºC
Perched 4,430 feet above sea level on the edge of the Mongolian steppes, Ulaanbaatar is the world’s coldest national capital. The city experiences extreme seasons with recorded summer highs of 102°F/ 39°C; however, plunging lows of -44°F/ -42°C during the long winter months give Ulaanbaatar an average annual mean temperature that hovers just below freezing.
The capital’s chaotic weather shouldn’t deter potential visitors, however. As well as being the international gateway to Mongolia’s spectacular wilderness areas, Ulaanbaatar boasts a bevy of rich cultural sights ranging from Tibetan-style Buddhist temples to fascinating modern art galleries.

Barrow, United States

Average January temperature: -13ºF/-25ºC
Located above the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Barrow is the northernmost city in the United States. It has the lowest average temperature of all Alaskan cities, exacerbated by frequent cloud cover and extreme winds of up to 60 miles/ hour. The sun remains below the horizon for 65 days each year, while on average, only 120 days of the year experience high temperatures that are above freezing.

However, despite record lows of -56ºF/ -49ºC, there are plenty of reasons to visit Barrow. These include its rich Iñupiat culture, the beauty of the surrounding tundra and the opportunity to witness the northern lights.

Yellowknife, Canada

Average January temperature:-18.2°F/-27.9°C
The capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories lies 250 miles south of the Arctic Circle, and  is a city of superlatives according to a survey by Environment Canada. Of 100 Canadian cities, Yellowknife is the coldest year round, has the coldest winter, the most extreme windchill and the longest snow cover season. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -60 °F/ -51°C, and yet ironically, it also boasts the sunniest Canadian summer.

Rich in gold-rush history, Yellowknife is a mecca for adventurers, offering activities ranging from hiking beneath the midnight sun to dog-sledding, snowmobiling and spotting the northern lights.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: The World's Coldest Cities
The World's Coldest Cities
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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