
How to Plan a World Tour

So you wake up one day and find out that you’re getting old. You go to your bathroom mirror and find an odd gray hair, fine wrinkles near your eyes.

You also realise you’ve been working non-stop for years and it is time to take a breather. You think of what you should do, as you sip coffee from your cup and read in the papers about how politicians are running our nation. You see a few ads by travel companies advertising fancy trips to US, Europe, Africa and more. You move to the next page and then suddenly it hits you. You go back to the same page and think why not?

“Why shouldn’t I take a vacation? And why can’t I go around the world?” The thought itself is so heady you put your cup down and hold the sides of the coffee table for support. “Why not”? You say to yourself again. “Let’s do this.”

You’re at work now but all you can think of is the epiphany you had in the morning. You start looking at flight tickets, hotels, calculate the approximate amount of money you would need, visas; you think of where all you want to go; how much luggage you’d carry, and suddenly, you realise this is ridiculous. You cannot possibly think of planning this gargantuan trip? “How? Just how am I going to do this?” Breathe. It is doable. Hundreds and thousands of people do it every day. You can too. Here’s how:

Money, baby!
Just save as much as you can. You can never really budget your travel around the world, because it will entirely depend on the places you want to go to (Turkey and Istanbul will cost more than say if you went to Thailand or Cambodia), the flights you will take (Economy or first class, director connecting), the kind of food you eat (street food or fancy), the kind places you will stay at (hotels or dorm rooms). You can plan it roughly, but always keep buffer money, at least 30% more than the sum you’ve arrived at. Also, keep all your friends and family in the loop. So in case you run short of money, they can immediately transfer the sum you need. The one thing you could stick to is a daily budget. So if you say I won’t spend more than $50 in a day, stick to the plan and you should be fine.

What’s your itinerary?
So where do you want to go? Regular touristy places or far-off, unexplored places? If you don’t want to go over budget and are not really a big planner, the best thing would be to book yourself a ready-made world ticket, where the plan is pre-decided and all you have to do is follow it. This is hassle-free and the easiest way to plan a world trip. You will be on a tight schedule, but that way you will cover a lot. The other way to go about it is plan your own trip, which will definitely be more expensive, but you will get to see what you want, when you want. Or, you can copy a travel company’s itinerary and go about booking things yourself. But wherever you go, make sure you learn about the best time to go there, find out the exchange rate and find out the local language.

Get your visas and plane tickets
Getting visas is not an easy task. If you hire a travel company, they will tell you exactly what documents you need and the visa will come to your home, stamped on your passport. But if you do it by yourself, research a lot and file the right papers to get the visa on time. Some visas are on arrival, while for others you have to apply beforehand. Indians have to mostly apply beforehand because of the nature of our passport. Citizens of US and Europe can just pack their bags and leave. Also, for plane tickets, research different websites to get the best price. And mostly keep it linear, instead of flying back and forth.

Get the shots
Depending on which country you’re travelling to, you will be required to get particular shots. Most country websites will have that information. When you travel, keep copies of immunization records with you so you can produce them whenever needed.

Make a list of things to do
Keep a list of must do things ready and try and follow them. Don’t over-schedule. After all the little things you did on your trip is what you will remember: patting the tiger cub and feeding it milk out of a bottle; swimming naked in the azure blue lake you accidentally discovered; or drinking beer on the beaches of Bangkok. Also, pace yourself. Don’t try to see too many things in the same day. Schedule it in such a fashion that it allows you time to savour every moment.

Relax and breathe
You will have truckloads of fun. But you will also be irritated at times.. You might miss home, your bed, undisturbed sleep, home-food. There will be times when you will possibly question why you took this trip in the first place. Might happen. You will bump into arrogant locals, sleep poorly because the boys next door are playing their music too loudly, or you might just realise that the mementos you purchased are being sold for half the price in the shop down the road. It’s fine. In moments like these, just relax and breathe. And tell yourself you are going to have fun no matter what.

Essential Tips
  1. Keep multiple copies of every document. Even save scanned copies on your phone
  2. You don’t need to get a Matrix calling card plan. You can buy a sim card and a cheap plan wherever you go.
  3. You don’t need to drink at restaurants. You can pick cheap liquor out of a 7-Eleven store.
  4. Don’t exchange your money at the airports. It’s too expensive. Go to 2-3 exchange places and find out who is offering the best price.
  5. Travel light. Don’t pack too much stuff. Pack according to the weather conditions of the country you’re visiting.
  6. Don’t buy all your mementos and knick-knacks from one store. Go to different shops. And negotiate shamelessly.
  7. Some food-outlets sell their meals for half-price post 3pm. That could be your dinner. So be on the lookout.
  8. When you go to departmental stores, buy their in-house brands. They are much cheaper.

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Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: How to Plan a World Tour
How to Plan a World Tour
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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