
10 Trips Every Woman Should Take in Her Lifetime

By Jessica Leigh Mattern, Town and Country

"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."

A Passion Trip

Love coffee shops? Visit Seattle. Love cooking? Take a journey to Italy. Love flowers? See the tulip fields in Keukenhof, Holland when they're in full bloom. Plan an unforgettable voyage to visit the mecca of your hobby or pastime, so you can further explore your interest.


A Relaxing Trip

Make it your mission to take some time to unplug and unwind by visiting a remote destination. Whether it be on a secluded beach in Cuba (above), or a cozy cabin tucked away in the forest, go wherever you feel most at peace.

A Solo Trip

At least once in her lifetime, every woman needs to experience an epic unaccompanied journey. This experience will forever boost your confidence and allow you to have the trip you want without anyone else taking away from your experience. If you're in need of some ideas, check out this list of the best places for women to travel solo based on safety, accessibility, and the number of activities in one, centralized area. 


A Heritage Trip

Go back to the beginning and visit the place your ancestors called home long ago. A study at Emory University found that children who knew more about their family history expressed higher levels of self-assurance, and were better able to handle stress, according to CNN. And the same can be said for adults. "Family stories provide a sense of identity through time," one of the researchers wrote. Talk to your relatives, do some research online, or get your DNA tested, so that you know exactly where to go. 

A Train Trip

Traveling by train is becoming one of the best ways to get around. It's inexpensive, and you can cover a large amount of ground. Not to mention, you can sit back, relax, and take in the beautiful scenery all from the comfort of a sightseeing carriage covered in floor-to-ceiling windows. Check out this $213 train trip across America, and this $397 train ride across Canada if you're looking for a good deal. 


A Last-Minute Trip

Make it a goal to take at least one spontaneous trip in the coming years. Pack a bag and head to the airport to see what's available, or use to book a flight from home. Don't plan anything for this adventure — see where the journey takes you!

A Girlfriends' Trip

There's no explainer necessary for this one, but here's a simpler reminder: Time with your best friends is very important for your happiness and health — even the Mayo Clinic says so. Check out the 50 most epic girls' getaway destinations in every state for some fun travel ideas.


An Active Trip

We all know that exercise is an important part of maintaining and boosting one's health and wellness, so why not include it in your travel itinerary? Snorkeling, diving, biking, zip lining, hiking, sailing, and surfing are some of the best ways to explore the most beautiful places on Earth like the most amazing natural wonders in America. 

A Road Trip

This one's practically a rite of passage. Why not take this famous road trip route across America, created by a data scientist? 


A Volunteer Trip

In just a week, you can broaden your horizons, build on your world views, and use your skills to help others — what could be better than that? Check out Habitat for Humanity to learn how you can get involved. 

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Abu Dhabi,3,Adventure,29,Adventure Travel,728,Advice,72,Africa,30,Air Travel,195,Alabama,5,Alaska,29,Albania,2,Alberta,2,America,79,Amsterdam,3,Anguilla,4,Antarctica,9,Antigua,5,Antigua and Barbuda,1,Argentina,18,Arizona,29,Arkansas,4,Armenia,1,Aruba,4,Asia,2,Asia Travel,45,Athens,3,Austin,9,Australia,108,Austria,18,Azerbaijan,1,Bahamas,19,Bangladesh,8,Barbados,3,Beach Travel,77,Belarus,2,Belgium,16,Belize,17,Bermuda,7,Bhutan,9,Blue Lagoon,2,Boatswana,2,Bolivia,6,Bosnia and Herzegovina,2,Boston,3,Botswana,3,Brazil,57,Brunei,1,Budget Travel,106,Bulgaria,3,California,140,Cambodia,6,Canada,96,Caribbean,58,Caribbean & Mexico,6,Chicago,14,Chile,12,China,28,Christmas Travel,21,Clothes,1,Coliseum,1,Colombia,20,Colorado,53,Columbia,3,Connecticut,6,Corporate Travel,1,Costa Rica,20,Country Travel,253,Croatia,29,Cruiser Travel,18,Cuba,16,Cultural Travel,65,Cyprus,3,Czech Republic,6,D.C.,2,Delaware,2,Denmark,20,Destinations,30,Dominican Republic,4,Dubai,17,East Africa,4,Easter Island,1,Eco Travel,23,Ecuador,11,Egypt,13,Emirates,1,England,21,Estonia,2,Eswatini,1,Ethiopia,2,Europe,119,Fall Travel,52,Family Travel,130,Faroe Island,2,Featured,72,Features,416,Festival Travel,26,Fiji,10,Finland,16,Florida,92,Food,7,France,64,Free Travel,1,French,6,French Polynesia,11,Galapagos,4,Georgia,21,Germany,28,Ghana,3,Great Britain,1,Greece,56,Greenland,2,Grenada,2,Guatemala,3,Halloween Travel,11,Hawaii,74,Hayden Panettiere,1,Hiking Travel,69,Historical Travel,86,Holiday Travel,42,Holland,1,Honeymoon Travel,140,Hong Kong,16,Hotels,77,Hungary,4,Ibiza,1,Iceland,53,Idaho,8,Ideas,11,Illinois,20,India,42,Indiana,5,Indonesia,15,Iran,1,Iraq,1,Ireland,48,Island,64,islands,2,Israel,15,Italy,85,Ivory Coast,1,Jamaica,14,Japan,64,Jordan,7,Kansas,8,Kentucky,2,Kenya,3,Korea,2,Kosovo,1,KSA,2,Kyrgyzstan,1,Las Vegas,5,Latin America,4,Latvia,2,Lithuania,4,London,28,Louisiana,15,Lowa,4,Luxembourg,2,Luxury Travel,35,Madeira,1,Maine,12,Malawi,1,Malaysia,1,Maldives,23,Malta,8,Maryland,9,Massachusetts,18,Mauritius,5,Mexico,99,Miami,18,Michigan,10,Mississippi,2,Missouri,8,Moldova,1,Monaco,3,Mongolia,1,Montana,18,Montenegro,3,Morocco,22,Myanmar,10,Namibia,5,National Parks,1,Nature,4,Nature Travel,129,Nepal,7,Netherlands,21,Nevada,30,Nevis,2,New England,5,New Hampshire,3,New Jersey,4,New Mexico,12,New Year,1,New Year's Day Travel,9,New York,77,New York City,32,New Zealand,58,Newfoundland,1,Nicaragua,2,North America,14,North Carolina,13,North Dakota,1,North Ireland,1,North Macedonia,2,Northern Ireland,1,Norway,23,Occasional Travel,8,Oceania,3,Ohio,6,Oklahoma,1,Oman,6,Oregon,15,Orlando,1,Pakistan,4,Panama,10,Paraguay,1,Paris,27,Pennsylvania,14,Peru,27,Philippines,5,Phoenix,2,Photo Feature,1,Poland,5,Portugal,31,Prague,1,Puerto Rico,16,Qatar,5,Quebec,1,Resort,13,Rhode Island,5,River Travel,2,Road Trips,66,Romania,7,Romantic Getaways,16,Rome,7,Russia,17,Saint Lucia,4,San Francisco,2,San Miguel de Allende,1,Scotland,18,Seasonal,54,Seasonal Travel,62,Serbia,2,Seychelles,1,Sightseeing Tours,2,Singapore,21,Ski Resorts,11,Slovenia,8,Solo Travel,30,Solomon Islands,1,Somoa,1,Soth Africa,1,South Africa,22,South America,7,South Carolina,13,South Dakota,8,South Florida,2,South Korea,7,South Pacific,3,Space Travel,15,Spain,52,Special,21,Special Features,295,Spring Travel,24,Sri Lanka,9,Student Travel,1,Summer Travel,78,Summer Vacation,9,Sweden,21,Swiss Alps,1,Switzerland,31,Sydney,2,Tahiti,5,Taiwan,7,Tanzania,5,Tasmania,1,Tennessee,11,Texas,63,Thailand,43,Thanksgiving Travel,8,Things to Do,167,Tibet,2,Tips,116,Train Travel,28,Transportation,21,Travel,187,Travel Advice,66,Travel Apps,1,Travel Guide,39,Travel Stories,28,Travel Technology,1,Travel Tips,291,Trip Ideas,1,Tunisia,3,Turkish,1,Turkiye,22,Turks and Caicos,1,Tuscany,1,UAE,12,Uganda,1,UK,49,Ukrine,1,Urban Travel,56,Uruguary,3,US Virgin Islands,3,USA,683,Utah,21,Uzbekistan,2,Vacation Travel,318,Valentine's Day Travel,1,Vehicle Travel,2,Venezuela,1,Vermont,6,Victoria Falls,1,Vietnam,10,Village Travel,1,Virginia,12,Virtual Travel,6,Wales,5,Washington,18,Washington DC,22,Weddings Travel,5,West Indies,2,Wildlife Travel,13,Winter Travel,71,Wisconsin,9,Worldwide,158,Wyoming,13,xxx,1,Yemen,1,Zadar,2,Zambia,5,Zimbabwe,6,
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures: 10 Trips Every Woman Should Take in Her Lifetime
10 Trips Every Woman Should Take in Her Lifetime
Travel Tips and Ideas | Travel Hacks, Destinations and Adventures
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